
Posted By: REAL ROOTS REPORT - Nairobi, Kenya
Wednesday August 24, 2022 - 8:30 pm


Since Donald Trump took the stage to become a presidential candidate in the United States of America in 2015, the world has been steadily opening up to the realities of the trickeries, manipulations, corruption and brutality that has been the secret bedrock of the world's so called democratic countries for centuries. In the United States of America and Western Europe, these deficiencies in the system had been mostly hidden under the table with lies and cover-ups, until Donald Trump came around and did all of his politrical and everyday business in plain sight.

People from Africa and other so-called third world countries are readily familiar with this flawed system of cut-throat politics. When it has popped up in some smaller European countries, it was attacked by countries led by the United States of America, and Great Britain, as Un-Democratic. When many third world countries decided to fashion out their own systems of democracy, those countries were dubbed "Banana Republics" or "Shit Hole countries", according to former US president, Donald Trump himself.

However, these countries that depend on financial, defence and scientific assistance from the world leaders of democracy, have been struggling to tow the democracy craze. African governments, Latin America and Asian countries risk being isolated globally, or being outrightly overthrown over delicate issues of how democracy should be enforced in their regions. But as the political environment in the United States of America is now becoming the same, or even aggressively overtaking the chaos of the Shit Hole republics, democracy is being fragmented and abandoned, to be decided and implemented by various governments as they see fit for themselves.

As a result, democracy is claiming casualties, inflicting deaths, corruption and sufferings around the world. Many people have been badly affected and will become worse off as they try to toil with this system that has morphed in more sinister ways from what the original founders intended for it to be. Here are some politicians who are impacting democracy in their own ways in their own regions of the world, for good, or for bad.

1. USA: Donald J. Trump

us trump

When democracy finally fails to exist in the USA, opponents of Donald Trump will blame it all on the former old president for pushing to rule as a "Dictator" of the type of countries his country always refers to as Banana Republics, or which Trump himself calls Shit Hole countries. This is because since Trump came on the politrical stage the interpretation of truth and lie has become severely muddied and unknown in the USA.

With all due considerations, the truth is that critically minded people will say that Donald Trump is not the one who introduced these inconsistencies to the ruling systems in the first place. The ambiguities have always been there, during the times of Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, or the Bushes. These past presidents always lied and misrepresented issues to their citizens, and the world; and they pretty much could not be punished by any law when they overreached.

So why are these other ones now against Donald Trump for openly pushing that his personal views should be the truth and law at all times, instead of any other way around? Donald Trump didn't just dare to push the system, Trump had only masterfully studied Richard Nixon with his Watergate scandals, Ronald Reagan with the "Iran Contra" scandal, the Bush presidents with their war mongerings, and Bill Clinton with his many scandals. Donald Trump had even given advise to the Clintons during one of their scandals, and decided that he will run his own presidency constantly in a scandal mode, even several months after he is not president any more.

2. KENYA: Raila Odinga

kenya odinga

Democracy in Kenya has continued to be under stress from it's inception as Kenyans have been shoved from one evolution of democracy to another. However, since the passing away of the old guard of autocratic and nationalistic rulers, the newer generation Kenyan politricians are showing promises that they are a country governed under laws. This has been truely shown in several electoral disputes, which at the heart of the matter, has always been Raila Odinga, son of one of the old class Kenyan politicians and founding father, Jaramogi Ajuma Oginga Odinga. Raila Odinga is the longest standing politrician who has been campaigning to govern Kenya five different times, and has lost those campaigns five times.

After every loss, Raila Odinga complained of irregularities and took his case to Kenya's Supreme Court. The supreme court failing to outrightly make Odinga president, has made rulings that annuled entire results of a presidential election in Kenya in 2017. Even that was not able to make Raila Odinga president.

Another presidential election has just recently concluded in Kenya. After so many miscalculations, misdirections, disappearances, death of election officials, Raila Odinga has again been dclared the looser of the presidential election. But Raila Odinga will not have it again. This time, he has gone back to the supreme court with the accusation that there are money cabals in Kenya who will stop at nothing to kill, corrupt and buy any election in Kenya to protect their illicit businesses in the East African nation.

3. MEXICO: Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador

mexico prez

Sometimes, democracy has a way of making some people suffer severely, and severally. But if these people are patient and persistant like Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador of Mexico, they could end up to be president in their country too.

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is an example of a man who has overcome insomantible obstacles to end up as the president of Mexico. Short of being imprisoned, Lopez Obrador found out that most of his political collaborators had been bought out by his opponents. Instead of joining them or abandoning his own ambition to be president, Lopez Obrador was forced to form his own winning political party from the scratch before cruising to victory to be a populist president in Mexico. Now in power, Obrador is pushing the boundaries that expose his hypocrisy of being no different from the corrupt politricians he had consistently battled with in opposition before coming to power.

4. BRAZIL: Jair Bolsonaro

brazil prez

One of the global impacts of the introduction of Donald Trump in world politricks is that it emboldened many leaders of under developed countries who had been struggling to tow the line of a docile democracy that easily left them exposed to the wraths of their opponents. If Trump could go after his critics with the power of the presidency in the USA, other strongmen and dictatorial leaders around the world now find it easy to rule with impunity in their own domains. One of these world leaders is Brazilian politrician Jair Bolsonaro who is now using the Trump style play book to keep doing his own thing there in Brazil.

5. ZIMBABWE: Emmerson Mnangagwa

zimbabwe prez

For so many donkey years, Emmerson Mnangagwa had been under the shadow of one of the world's most controversial leader, Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe. After playing a very loyal subordinate to Mugabe for several years, Emmerson Mnangagwa found himself at the verge of being purged from Zimbabwe politricks, in favour of Mrs. Grace Mugabe who seemed to have learned how to play hardball politricks from Africa's most brutal politricians over night. Proving that he is indeed, an old soldier, Emmerson Mnangagwa came back from an ouster, and succeeded to oust one of Africa's longest leading and brutal dictator, Robert Mugabe.

Now in power in Zimbabwe for only a few years so far, Emmerson Mnangagwa has already started playing from the playbooks of his old politrical father and benefactor.

6. NIGERIA: Peter Obi


Peter Obi has not made any significant impact in the world's stage of global politricians yet, but will begin his journey in Nigeria when the corrupt system will refuse to give him his mandate after he wins the presidential election of Nigeria in 2023.

Several months before Nigeria's presidential election of 2023, the new political wave that Peter Obi is creating in Nigeria is beyond what has ever been seen before in the country's history. The former governor, and mainstream establishment politrician who was once a failed vice presidential candidate, bucked his former colleagues when they refused to see things his way. The result is now a worldwide new political movement for Nigeria that call themselves "Obidients". They are obedient and willing to follow Peter Obi because no other politrical candidate in the history of Nigeria, has ever shown the qualities that shroud around Peter Obi now as a candidate of the people, for the people.

The ones to watch now are the corrupt old school, business-as-usual politricians who are now confused and plotting ways to steal this mandate that has already been given to Peter Obi, even before the date of the presidential election in Nigeria.

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